Sunday, November 30, 2008

End of November

Chemotherapy is not cheap! I don't know how one without some kind of health plan could possibly afford it. The above is a sample of just my monthly visits/treatment bill. When you add in prescriptions, medical supplies and other items that you use, it can get quite expensive.

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with their families. I wasn't too hungry this year, but I had figured that would be the case with Thanksgiving being during a treatment week. Christmas is going to be during a treatment week also, but it will be my last cycle.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of December (the shortest daylight of the year month) and the weather is just starting to get cold, but so far no snowstorms. I'm looking forward to my upcoming 'off-week' and REALLY trying to keep away from crowds or anywhere that I could get sick due to my weakened immune system.

1 comment:

Rotorhead said...

Howdy Mike,
Congrats on completing 5 months of chemo. Hopefully you don't have too much on your plate for the off-weeks.Thanks for dropping me a comment, and I'm going to go through your archives since it looks like we have a few tings in common.