Friday, October 23, 2009

The *new* Healthcare Options

Well, we only have about another week left in October and our healthcare administrators have decided to switch our HMO Blue to an 80/20 plan. This means all tests including bloodwork, xrays, scans, even a flu shot would only be covered at 80%and we pay the 20% balance. This is not a good deal with my frequent bloodwork, tests and scans. My next PET scan in April will cost me approx $2200 out-of-pocket, yet there are people who have just come to this country with no healthcare who get free medical coverage. What's wrong with this picture?

My gut feeling is that this is just the tip of the iceberg of what will be soon forthcoming if the government tells us which doctors we can see and when.

HMO Blue is also changing their name to New England Network Blue and will be sending out "new" cards which will confuse the billing people even more.

I'm still contesting a bill that I received as a $100 co-payment because it was coded wrong by the hospital (so my healthcare administrator says).

Other than that, The Patriots play Tampa in London tomorrow and the World Series (Baseball) might even start in early November...brrr.

Have a good weekend! Next weekend is Hallloween...stay tuned for chilling videos!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sometimes words aren't enough... express your true feelings. Every sunrise is another day to put in your pocket, one that we shall never see again. We need to stop for a moment to remember this.

We take for granted that it will go on and on, and on. It won't. Providence has been kind...but...providence is a regifter.

Persevere. Make every day count. Kiss your loved ones. Tomorrow never knows.........

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Signs of Autumn and Sorrow

The sun is coming up and setting later as we get more into the autumn season. You can feel a chill in the air as well as the windy leaves blowing from the trees.

As mentioned in an earlier post, our prayers are with sister-in-law, Theresa for her loss and now I'm also saddened to hear that one of our friends, my wife's co-worker's husband has passed after a fight with leukemia.

If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. This is a poem about these times of suffering :

I watch when your asleep,
I know you miss me so much,
and you loved me with all your heart,
but I’m in a better place now,
and you cant tear it apart,
you don’t have to worry now,
I’m with some of our relatives,
I’m always around you,
and always on the inside,
I’m in the wind,
in your dreams,
anywhere you seek me,
and some day we'll be together again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B L E S S I N G S ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flu Shot today - New Cancer Center

I went for my oncology visit and got the regular flu shot
while I was there. My oncologist said that the H1N1 symptoms
are different for each and for me would be the same, so
no other shot needed.

He also said that the media is over-hyping the H1N1 symptoms.

It's been about two hours now and my arm is just now feeling a bit
sore and I feel a siesta is coming soon.

Now I'm good until next April when I have my next PET scan.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Early October - In My Life

Yesterday was my birthday...I'm doing okay...I have an oncology appointment tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers go out to my sister-in-law, Theresa, whose husband, Peter passed away today after a fight with cancer.

Sometimes life can be so unfair...