Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I'm hoping that everything will be fine in oh-oh-nine ;)

It's a great feeling to not have to go in for chemo treatments this upcoming week. I'll be going in on January 21st, for my first official "follow-up".

After that, they will continue to monitor my bloodcounts and bloodwork, flush/maintenance on my implanted mediport. It's a dual port Bard model, so that means TWO needles at once in the chestports (but NO chemo!). I refilled my prescription for the lidocaine today. I hope that I don't have to use it too often.

I'm feeling about as well as expected. I made the mistake of trying to clean some snow off a windshield without gloves and now I'm typing with one hand for a few days.
The neuropathy is probably the worst part, followed by the digestive tract "issues" and the occasional skin rashes and mouth sores, but it will now start to get better, although slowly, but I can deal with that.

I do hope that everyone enjoyed their New Year's Eve and best wishes to make it fine in 2009!

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