Monday, June 30, 2008


About a week after being discharged from the hospital, I returned to the surgeon's office and had the staples removed. We then talked about oncologists and I was referred to the chief of oncology at a nearby, hospital-affiliated clinic.

I met with the oncologist and was told about the diagnosis and treatment which he strongly recommended. I was also examined and had many questions answered.

My diagnosis was stage 3 colon cancer and the plan was to hit me hard for six months with chemotherapy. He told me that the surgeon had removed the malignant tumor and twenty six lymph nodes, of which only three had cancer cells in them, but because it had spread that far, I was staged as a 3.

The treatment plan is a curative one and is called "Folfox". It consists of Oxaliplatin, Leucovorin and 5-FU. He also said that I should have a "mediport" implant which would save me from a lot of needle pokes in my arms. An appointment was made for a "chemo training session" and the chestport surgery.

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