Monday, November 30, 2009

The Holiday Season

The seasons are changing again. We just had Thanksgiving and in only a few more weeks we'll be into the Christmas week, followed by New Year's and 2010.

Two Thousand Ten...sounds strange, but time does keep ticking and waits for nobody. It's a particuliarly memorable time for me because at this time last year I was entering my final month of chemotherapy.

Aside from some stubborn neuropathy in my feet, I'm doing well and will be going in for my next PET scan in April. Winter 'could' be over by then if we're lucky!

Season's Greetings!!!

1 comment:

Reverend Lowell said...

We just need to live it all "day to day".
My visit to Boston was mostly good; my circulation is fine, but my ankle will no longer support my body weight.
So i'm ok; but I'm also closer to the wheelchair.

Hell, I'm just going to keep going, with a few concessions, but still determined to smile more every day!