Tuesday, August 9, 2011


After experiencing some pain that has gotten a bit worse over
the past month, I decided to make an appointment to see my
oncologist tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that it's abdominal adhesions
but want to be sure and see what, if anything can be done.

This is what I found on the web :

"Abdominal adhesions can kink, twist, or pull the intestines out of place, causing an intestinal obstruction. An intestinal obstruction partially or completely restricts the movement of food or stool through the intestines. A complete intestinal obstruction is life threatening and requires immediate medical attention and often surgery.
Adhesions can become larger and tighter as time passes, causing problems years after surgery."

So, it appears that there is no "fix" if this is the case, as more surgery
would just result in more adhesions. Stay tuned for more later this week...

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