Monday, August 30, 2010

The Heat Goes On

Here we are with the day after tomorrow being September 1st and the heat, haze and humidity is still with us. I think we've had 3 rainy days all summer since early June.

Tomorrow I go for annual checkup and bloodwork and start my next series of tests with my oncology group in October. Some days are better than others, but I can't complain, although sometimes I do.

The weather people are predicting a close enough call with the next storm (Earl) that it's already causing severe rip currents along the east coast. It depends on which way the jet stream moves as to how, when and where it comes by the end of this week.

They say that foliage will be early this year. I can already see some of the trees starting to change due to the hot, dry summer heat.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Dog Days of August

Well, this has certainly been one of the hottest and muggiest summers that I can remember. Here we go into August and after a short few days of cool dry weather, we're back in the hot, hazy and humid stuff for another stretch.

I'll be seeing my primary care doc this month for annual checkup and bloodwork and next month will be my next CEA blood test with my oncology group.

My only complaint is some numbness (neuropathy?) in right foot/toes and the arthritis in my back has spread to the thoracic spine joints. I'm also starting to notice some arthritis in knee and fingers. A day at a time and don't sweat the small things!